If emergency call 911

Mission Statement 

The mission of the Rohrerstown Fire Company is to provide the citizens of East Hempfield Township and surrounding communities the best possible emergency services, through an innovative and continuing education and training program, and a professional application of currently accepted mitigation and fire suppression techniques.

Mailing Address:
500 Elizabeth Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Operational Opportunites: Live-In or Duty Crew Member

The Rohrerstown Fire Company is located in the southern section of East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

We serve a metropolitan area just west of the City of Lancaster. The company responds to about 700 calls a year, this number is increasing with the growing community we serve along with mutual aid given to other departments.

The live-in program offers individual rooms to 12 members with access to cable internet and digital cable. A bunkroom is available if all 12 rooms are full, that can hold up to six members. There is also a library/study room available if a quiet location is desired for schoolwork. In exchange for free-living accommodations, the company requires that members perform station duties, attend trainings/meetings, and respond to emergency calls.

You can also serve as a duty crew member which allows more flexibility with your schedule. Many of our past live-ins members maintain their riding status in the company as duty crew members, but you are required to commit to a minimum standard in order to keep your riding status and gear. Duty crew members must complete the application process and training pipeline like all other members in the organization.

Please email  [email protected] if you have questions related to becoming a member.  



You can contact the firehouse at (717) 392-6700 and ask for an officer or email [email protected].  Alternatively, you can even stop by the firehouse at 500 Elizabeth Street, Lancaster, PA 17603.

1 2 3 161
Tower 67
Pierce - 2007
Engine 671
Pierce - 2011
Chief and Deputy 67
Chevy Tahoes SSV - 2021

Monthly Stats

January 40 February — March — April — May — June — July — August — September — October — November — December —